Alright, so I’ve been doing this cam thing now for a few months and I am loving every minute of it. A few common things come up.The first is whether I am bi, straight, or gay. I’m straight. But, as I tell anyone who asks… I’m the coolest fucking straight guy you’ll ever meet. There are a few reasons for this (…duh), but the big one is that I come from a position of no judgement or prejudice with respect to your sexual fantasy or fantasies.I’ve done a lot of stuff already on here and I really encourage that you express to me what it is that really turns you on. I feel it is my duty to do that because you are paying me for a service. I am essentially a “dream merchant” and judgement or prejudice would only get in the way of that. I have yet to hit a threshold where I have to flat out say no to somebody because their request is something I cannot fulfill (well, there are a few exceptions but it was largely due to circumstance as opposed to me not being interested in doing it). It would be funny, if after writing that, hordes of people come to my room and demand incredibly crazy things such as me stuffing 30 egg plants up my ass, or reciting Shakespeare whilst demanding I cum in 30 seconds… but I digress.Anyway, this ties over to my personal life with the women that I am sexually involved with. I do not judge women for their sexuality and it is the same sorta deal. I make myself available to them in such a way that I am able to offer my services (hehehe) from a position of non judgement AND being emotionally relaxed which often is a breath of fresh air for them cuz they are so used to dealing with uptight, clingy and desperate guys. The next question people ask is “do friends/family/your tooth brush know about this job?!” … and the answer is yes.I’ve got no shame doing what I do because I believe it in and I also believe in myself (that sounds really corny, but I couldn’t put it any more eloquently). There is nothing wrong about being involved in the sex industry. This further ties into my point about no discrimination or prejudice… to do well in this industry you have to be rather neutral and take things as they come (…cum).Anyway, that is a bit more info on me in case you were curious. Come take me private, or hang out in my room to chat. Would love to hear from ya ;)X