“Philip, yes it is a problem if it isn’t solved. I want to start to make alife with you. You know, when we are in those restaurants in the morning, Ilike being introduced as your friend but I always have this feeling that Ihave to watch what I do and say so I don’t give anything away. I don’t wanta life with you like that. I want to meet and be part of your family ifthey will accept me. A lot of that is up to me, I know but Philip, I didn’tagree to live with you on a whim. I want to be with you in all ways. Youmean so much to me and I think that it is only starting.” I stopped to lookat the surprised but happy look on his face. “In the words of thephilosopher, ‘there, you can run now or run with me’.” I pausedagain. “Don’t do any thing over Thanksgiving; it is a family holiday andthere should be no big surprises. Your mother and father don’t need thatnow.” We were tested. I was correct; Monday night was a night to rememberalthough there would be an even better night when we had our results. I wascertain that both would be negative. Our system of staying extended timesat each other place worked well. His phone rang several times and he talkedto his mother about Thanksgiving and he assured her that he would be comingalone. I smiled and walked over and ran my fingers over his chest andthighs. He swatted me away just holding back the laughter. We chatted for a while and then I told my parents that I had better callPhilip as he had made me promise to call when I had arrived safely. Therehad been threats of calls to the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) about mysafety if I didn’t call. Mom chuckled but was impressed. Colin had met myparents but he had never really engaged a hundred percent with them. Irealized looking back that he had always seemed to look on family visits asa duty not a pleasure. He spent a lot of time on his phone or iPad when wevisited. Colin was estranged from his immediate family because of hisorientation and so I had never met them. I think I knew exactly how Philipwould be if he were here, engaged.