I have been setting up my initial profiles in social media, as well as familiarizing myself with the rules and the site itself. I am also waiting for my blasted webcam to get here – just a few more hours according to the tracker. I know I have not started talking with the other models, I am not trying to be anti-social, I am just trying to learn as much as I can so that I do not bug these busy people with newbie drama. I also tried to write my biography, but all the information was deleted, still not sure what happened with that. 🙁 I took a lot of time to tell everyone about myself, but I was just a little too much maybe? ;DOh well, now I am getting my room reorganized, it needs better feng shui hahaha. Not to mention I did have too many old knickknacks that I am not using anymore, I am gathering them to be donated during this process. And curse this Aridzona heat! I have the door open for less than five minutes and the room hits 95 degrees. Whats up with that!! Anyhow, I am almost done with the room, then I will be taking care of my biography again, then I will be getting my hardware set up. Very soon I will be online to meet the community and introduce myself properly. I cannot wait to truly get started.Tommy Calix