My friend Casey Williams and I had a great bicep work out today. This one is a little different than the last one i posted . We used mostly machines and cables. Free weights are … [Read more...]
My BiCep Workout
Had a great Bicep workout today , here is the routine I did. ALTERNATING DUMBELL CURLS 4sets(this routine is more for definition and shape rather than size) Pick a weight … [Read more...]
My Basic Leg Workout
I have several leg workouts that I really like but this one is my favorite. Remember any time you do legs stretch really well or get on the treadmill for 5minutes to loosen … [Read more...]
My back workout with Dylan Roberts
Hey guys! I just got done with a great back workout with my buddy Dylan Roberts. He is a really good workout partner. This workout is more suited for toning and defining your back … [Read more...]
My Workout Routine
Hey guys, lots of you email and tweet me asking about my workout routine. Last night Dylan Roberts and I had an awesome chest workout and i thought I would share it with you. For … [Read more...]