Had a great Bicep workout today , here is the routine I did.
ALTERNATING DUMBELL CURLS 4sets(this routine is more for definition and shape rather than size)
Pick a weight that allows you to get 20 reps (10 per arm) sets 1,2,3 are 20 reps with this weight.
Set 4 use the same weight keep curling until you can not get another rep
Barbell Curls 3 Sets (make sure to use good form no cheating with the lower back or shoulders)
set 1 use a weight that causes failure after 10-12 reps
Set 2 use a weight that causes failure after 8-10 reps
set 3 pick a weight that is heavy enough that you only get 4 -6 reps with good form.
Machine curls 4 sets (pick your favorite curl machine or you can use the cable machine if you like)
set 1 20reps
set 2 20 reps
Set3 lower the weight and do 30 reps
set 30 reps