Hey guys! I just got done with a great back workout with my buddy Dylan Roberts. He is a really good workout partner. This workout is more suited for toning and defining your back than mass building. Its also targeted at the upper and mid-back. We do two very light sets of lat pull downs for 20 reps, followed by a set of 10-15 pull ups as our warm up. After warming up here is what we did:
Lat Pull downs 4 sets
1) use a weight that causes you to fail after 8-10 reps
2) 10- reps
3) 20 reps
4) 20 reps
Pick a weight that causes failure at 15 to 20 reps and do 4 sets with it
Lastly do four sets of pullups each set to failure . Don’t worry about the number of reps on these do each set until you can not do another rep.
We also did four sets of shoulder shrugs but these are optional on back day since most people prefer to do the with shoulders. Personally i prefer to do my traps with back , but hey that’s just me.
Hope you guys can find something useful out of this and get a great back workout!
Lick'm & Stick'm says
Great Ass Boy…