Its funny I happen to be writing this post the day I am getting a massage, but something tells me that my massage wont be nearly as exciting. In all the massages I have gotten (and I get ALOT) I have never had a real life massage lead to any hot hookups. A few hot guys as masseurs over the years, but more often than not a very nice lady. Hmm maybe Im doing it wrong lol.
Straight boy Greg Jameson requested a girl for his massage, but Max Michaels told him that he was the only one available. But he assured him that he was a professional. Max pulls off the underwear and refuses poor Greg a towel. Greg asks if this was normal, but Max keeps on assuring him that it is. The massage started off fine, but as soon as Max started rubbing that hot little bubble butt of Greg, he got an instant boner. He pulled it out and started to place his dick right between the ass crack. Greg asked him what that was. Max told him that it was his massage tool. He got up and started put oil on Greg. His crotch started to hit Greg right in the face. Max asked him if he ever had a dick in his face before. And before you know it, Greg is sucking down Max like a champ. They exchange blow jobs until finally Greg asks to be inside of him. Max hesitates saying that is not part of the massage. But this is a fucking hard core gay porn. We know they are going to fuck. Max bends over and Greg fucks the hell out of him. Finally Greg fucks the cum out of Max and he hops down to take what Greg has to offer. Greg cums into Max, and as he swallows it, he cums for a second time.