By: Anon, a Rational Blogger:
A few days ago, I saw a link on Facebook to an article with the headline of Transgender 13 year old says she’s been forbidden from school. I knew I had to read it when I saw it. So, I clicked on and followed the link and read what it said.
I was floored by the words, which basically go like this. The teenager has been bullied through most of the time she has been in school, as her birth name and sex, Brian. She made the decision to come out to her mother as being transgender after school ended for the summer. Her mother easily accepted her and they started making plans, including changing her name to Rachel, although not yet legally, I assume because she has not yet started on the drugs for her to become a female. But then her mother called the school to give them a heads up about Brian becoming Rachel so they could make arrangements to accommodate her once school started up again. Well, her mother was told by the middle school, that if Rachel is planning on returning to the school, she must come back dressed as Brian and be prepared to act like Brian and that no accommodations would be made and no out of district options would be made available. If she doesn’t adhere to this, she will not be allowed back in school, period. Some experts have said this violates state and federal anti-discrimination laws. I haven’t researched this, so I can’t state this for fact, the school is located in Middletown, NJ.
Either way, I was disturbed by the article and really felt for this young girl, who was not only bullied by her classmates, but was now being bullied by the school administration. Although, if it was me or if it was my child, even if they change their minds, I would not want to ever return to that school because I feel the bullying will only get worse if she returns. The real problem I have is all the cruel, ugly and ignorant comments that were left at the bottom of of the article, they totally knocked me for a loop. I did reply to one of the really stupid comments, but I felt the need to say so much more.
Some of these people went so far as to say that people like this should be destroyed or be locked up in a nuthouse. Really, killed or locked up? What alternate universe do these idiots live in, they are the ones who should go away.
The comment I replied to said that god doesn’t make transgendered people, there’s only males with male organs and females with female reproductive organs. I replied with what about those born with both female and male sexual organs? I mean, there is proof that babies have been born this way and there are several species of animals the same way. I told her they are called either hermaphrodites or intersex. I went on to explain a little more, but of course, she never responded back.
Then there was the ones calling them an it and those who basically said they are less than human because despite surgery and hormone treatment, they will never be able to have a child. I said I don’t think the people who are infertile due to cancer or whatever other medical problem would appreciate that much.
Overall, I was sickened by what those people said to and about not only Rachel, but all the other transgendered people out there, not to mention the rest of the LGBT community. I honestly don’t understand how or why people say stuff like this and still hold their heads up in public.
I’ve kind of calmed down some since I first read it, but it still pisses me off when I think about it. Transgendered people have feelings too, I mean, they are people, not things or its. While I don’t claim to be an expert on it, I do know personally how they feel. This is kind of a big thing for me to say, because I’ve only told a few select friends about it and because of my family, I won’t be stating my name and I’m sorry about that, but I do have a husband, kids and grandkids and at this point, I don’t feel comfortable in telling any of them about it.
To those of you who do know I planned on writing this, I trust that you won’t say anything publicly. So, this is it, I consider myself to be transgender and gay.
Wow, that’s probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, even if it is being done anonymously. So, yeah, while I have never been bullied about it, I do know what they go through because I am one of “them”.
Why don’t you so-called do-gooders get your heads out of your asses, we don’t question you being straight, we allow you to live your lives as you want, so keep your noses and suggestions out of our lives, we don’t need or want them.
As for Rachel, I wish the best for you. I hope you find your place , whether it be in the school you were attending, being home schooled or some place new altogether.
Don’t let the bullies win, the classmates or the administration.
Live your life to the fullest and don’t ever stop being you.
BTW, here’s the link to the article http://www.inquisitr.com/1417162/transgender-13-year-old-says-shes-been-forbidden-from-school/
Michael says
Sucks donkeys! Who knew NJ would be this way in 2014? Or even 2013?! I’m verklempt!
Doesn’t sound like that particular school is diverse; otherwise, they wouldn’t be this blatantly ignorant. My suggestion is home schooling until you find a diverse school rich in culture and variances in life. NYC comes to my mind or Montreal Canada. Las Vegas, Seattle, and San Francisco. South Beach perhaps. Moving is tough financially. Home school is the quick immediate answer. In the interim, find other middle schools that is culturally rich and diverse. You want to pick your battles. Fight the system in the current school and go public with the media or go to another school and inform your local councilman or senator of your situation. This is a political fight to win your freedom and freedom to study in a bully free zone which should be standard. Can’t believe we still got to fight for freedom in 2014?! Oy Vie!
Media and public coverage will help win this unfortunate political situation. You need big guns to rid of those ignorant school officials/administration.