This is an interesting question from a viewer because I’m sure this has happened to all of us at some point. You go on a simple casual date that should be no strings attached and then all of a sudden the other person starts with the non-stop texting and calling the day after. You thought the person was perfectly nice and decent but the chemistry just wasn’t there. Now you are faced with the problem of letting this person down gently even tho they haven’t gotten the hint that you don’t want another date.
You can simply not respond to the text and hope the person gets the point. In this viewer’s case the person did not get the point and continues to text multiple times a day. Now it’s time to be direct no time for pussyfooting around the issue. You can be nice and diplomatic (which you should be at FIRST) , but you must be DIRECT. Tell the person that you do not feel that the two of you are compatible enough for a second date. Whatever you do, DO NOT engage in an hour long debate over the topic. Some people will feel you owe them a detailed explanation of why you will not see them again. You don’t owe them anything. Move on!
Watch my video blog below to see my full answer.